I am going to be extremely busy this coming week! Working 6 evenings in a row starting tomorrow and I have a quilting pot luck to bake for on tuesday for my LQS group.
Still trucking along on dear jane and completed my blocks for this week in my Dear Jane Quilt Along at the Quilting Board. Here are blocks C1 and C3 respectively. Started using a mix of hand and machine piecing depending on what I have time to do.
I am hoping to get a head start on next weeks, working on them before I leave for work in the evenings.
I am also starting a quilt called Omigosh by Sue Garman which you can purchase from here http://www.quakertownquilts.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=omigosh+quilt+pattern
One of the ladies in my quilting group is working on it and I seem to be falling in love with itty bitty piecing. My nine patches in the quilt are going to be 2" unfinished!! Crazy right??
Update: 2300 hrs- Well I made huge progress on Omigosh! I decided to reverse the colours and use white print where the dark colours were and dark where the light was. I am also making it bigger to be a queen size. Needless to say, I was required to do a lot of quilt math!! But I now have all of my white fabric cut (all 5 meters of it!) into 1", 2" and 2 3/8" strips or squares. I also started cutting my 1/4 meter fabrics and I have 6 out of 45 cut out!. I am using dark blues, pinks, and a couple greens thrown in. I will take a picture in a few days of the fabrics once they are all cut out.
I also pieced together some strips for my teeny weeny nine patches!
Super excited about this project and can't wait to see if I can keep up the enthusiasm for it.
(hmmm. it seems like I have a lot of projects on the go......at least I don't get bored!!! )
Updates on other projects:
Still working away at my Japanese Flower Garden but no new pictures yet.
My Winter Twitterings quilt top I think I may rip off the borders and put the black print in to frame it instead of the pointsetta pink print. It will make it pop better. However I need to find more of the fabric so hopefully next payday I can find it on ebay or something! I only need about a meter! Figures eh? So for now it sits off to the side awaiting a seam ripper!
I wonder if anyone is actually reading this! But at least it is a good way to me to document my journey in quilting and help me remember how I have progressed!
Happy Stitching!