Wednesday, 26 September 2012

I love my husband!

Pin It Now! I am so blessed to have the husband I do. I was pining over Kitchen Aid mixers online and was super excited to discover sears had them for 175$ off. Brining it to a slightly less insane price of 325$. I was excited but in no way hopeful of getting one. Then my wonderful husband asked if I would like one. We had some wiggle room in the budget and he knows I pine over them a couple times a year but have never seriously asked as it just was not do-able. Well need-less to say now but I HAVE ONE!!!! OMG so incredibly excited and happy!!! I had really wanted a cherry red one as I am planning on doing my kitchen (when we have our own and not a rental) in red, turquoise and white. However the only one they had in red was the display and Aaron (my husband) said he was not comfortable paying that much for one that people have played with all the buttons on. I was kind of stuck at that point. I loved some of the other colours they had but wanted it to be one that would work with the colour scheme I want. Of course there was no turquoise either but there was an ice blue one. I got it (even though I loved the tangerine!) and its quickly growing on me. I think it will be the wall colour I end up using in my (hypothetical) kitchen!! So now I will insert gratuitous pictures of my mixer below! I even used it this morning to make some amazing cinnamon buns. Lets just say YUMMY!!!


Ready for icing!! 

Cream cheese icing!!

Fruits of labour! So yummy!! My hubby said to put a do not touch sign on the rest of them so there is some when he gets home from work!!
 Rubies, Diamonds, Garnets
So I sent this picture to my mom yesterday as a bit of a teaser. You can kind of see some of rubies, diamonds but not much. Of course I had my little helpers Nox and Kalesh to help me cover some of it too! Kalesh is on the left and Nox the right if anyone wants to know haha! (I swear it is not too hard to tell them apart once you know them!) I have one more set of borders to put on since my weekend was busier then planned. I ended up going to visit my niece and nephew and hang out with my girlfriend instead, which was lovely and full of baby cuddles!

Can you get an idea of what I might be planning for those big white squares on Rubies, Diamonds? More pictures to come soon!

I also picked some fun stuff up last week. I decided it was time to bite the bullet and pick up some machingers since I am planning on trying to quilt Rubies, Diamonds myself. Of course it is impossible to go to a quilt store and not have fabric jump into your arms. Has anyone been able to do that?? It's terrible isn't it? But these lovely little fat quarters need a home and I am more then willing to add them to mine!
It was hard to find an XS but well worth it! 

SO pretty!!!! I almost was going to buy the entire bolt of the black and pink one on the left. Then I found the fat quarter and decided it was fate telling me to put the bolt back!! haha :)

I did not realize this was almost like a panel until just now when I photographed it. Now I have ideas flying through my mind as I have been looking for a good starting point to use some more of my lovely japanese inspired fabrics.

And this one is just crazy fun! I may have to add it to my japanese flower garden quilt and swap another fabric out. It just seems perfect to help the other flowers work together!!

Well that is it for me today!! I am hoping to update again sometime this week, if not before the end of the weekend. I hope you all are having a lovely day and are getting some stitching done!!!!! Thanks for letting me show off my lovely KA mixer. It is making me so super happy!! 


1 comment:

  1. my hubby did that for christmas one year and i still love it
